Tag: systems theory

Gandolfo Dominici

Gandolfo Dominici Italian academic and consultant, co-founder and scientific director of the Business Systems Laboratory, board member of the World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics and of the Italian Universities Consortium for Industrial and Managerial Economics (CUEIM). “I am fascinated

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Thomas Fundneider

Thomas Fundneider studied Landscape Planning at the University of Bodenkultur in Vienna. For his thesis, he worked one year in South Africa to investigate issues of Urban Design. After a few years of experience as a professional, he studied a

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Alexander Laszlo

Alexander Laszlo, son of Ervin László, born in Fribourg, Switzerland, received a BA from Haverford College, with a major in International and Comparative Political Science and a minor in Human Physiology. At the University of Pennsylvania he received his MA

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Getting to Know…EMCSR Speakers Part III

This is part three of our “Getting to know…” series, in which we invite you to learn more about our speakers and participants. You can find Part 1 presenting some of our keynote speakers here and Part 2 here. The

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Getting to Know…EMCSR Speakers Part II

This is part two of our “Getting to know…” series, in which we invite you to learn more about our speakers and participants. You can find part one presenting some of our keynote speakers here. The speaker profiles include interesting

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Zdenka Zenko

Zdenka Ženko Ph. D. is Assistant Professor of Innovation Theory and System Theory at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia. She teaches courses in innovation management, system theory, methods for creative thinking and decision making, research

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Looking back…Systems Theory and Ludwig von Bertalanffy

Since we had a closer look at the beginnings of Cybernetics with regard to the Macy Conferences a couple of weeks ago, we now contribute this blogpost to Systems Theory, its history and background especially with regard to the pioneer

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Merrelyn Emery

Dr. Emery has worked on many aspects of human behaviour as a systemic or ecological phenomenon. These include education and continuing education, the uses and effects of media, the development of organizations and communities and human futures. Since 1970, she

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Ervin Laszlo

Ervin László, Chancellor of the Giordano Bruno GlobalShift University, is a Hungarian philosopher of science, systems theorist, integral theorist, originally a classical pianist. He has published about 75 books and over 400 articles were published in newspapers and magazines worldwide, including the

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Peter Erdi

Péter Érdi is a Hungarian and now also Hungarian-American researcher and teacher. His ambition has been to work in the spirit of cybernetics and systems theory. He serves as the Henry Luce Professor of Complex Systems Studies at Kalamazoo College,

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