Tag: systemic thrivability

Behind the Scenes III: Getting to Know the Themes and Speakers 2014

EMCSR is going to start in just a few days, on the way towards the meetings we would like to introduce to you the people who are making this event a truly interesting and unique one. As you know, three

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Thomas Fundneider

Thomas Fundneider studied Landscape Planning at the University of Bodenkultur in Vienna. For his thesis, he worked one year in South Africa to investigate issues of Urban Design. After a few years of experience as a professional, he studied a

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Alexander Laszlo

Alexander Laszlo, son of Ervin László, born in Fribourg, Switzerland, received a BA from Haverford College, with a major in International and Comparative Political Science and a minor in Human Physiology. At the University of Pennsylvania he received his MA

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