Calls 2016

emcsr avantgarde 2016

FutureVision?! Which life do we want?
Vienna, 30 March – 1 April, 2016

If you are an avant-gardist, conscious innovator, provocative thought leader, researcher, engineer, geek, philosopher, designer, artist, activist, daring futurist, visionary…
If you are looking for and creating the next impactful advances in technology, social practice or natural science, we would love to feature you, to connect you, to promote you.

What do you see?

And what are we able to co-create for future oriented life concepts and thrivable ecologies, a flourishing planet, meaningful technology, a futureable humanity?


Call for Submission

Calls for extended abstracts are open until 19 February, 2016!

The minimum length of the text body of a submission is 1 page, the maximum length 3 pages.

1 to 3 pictures may be added.

Submitters will be notified of acceptance or rejection until 4 March, 2016.


Call for Satellite Workshops

The emcsr avantgarde will also offer satellite workshops.

These workshops are focused on a specific topic, organized by an invited group of already established researchers, and offer opportunities to showcase and further elaborate contemporary trends in Cybernetics and Systems Science and Systems Design.

Are you an emcsr avantgarde workshop leader?

Sent us your concept including your requested invited participants until 19 February, 2016.

You will be notified of acceptance or rejection until 4 March, 2016.


The emcsr avantgarde will be intentionally a smaller exclusive conference meeting. We want to ensure that the selection of submissions and workshops reflect quality, thus the referee process will be rigorous. We also want to ensure that we enable vivid interaction at the conference meetings through the number of attendees.