Month: February 2016

Future(In)spiration! We invite you!

Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen, researcher‬ and ‪entrepreneur‬ in ‪design‬ & ‪architecture‬ at the Department of Built Environment, School of ‪Engineering‬, ‪‎Aalto‬ University, Finland and winner of the Bertalanffy Young Scientist Award 2014 invites you to the upcoming emcsr avantgarde 2016. Looking forward

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Who designs the world? A Scientific ForeCast!!

Organization of the upcoming emcsr avantgarde 2016 is speeding up! The various disciplines’ interplay co-creates new commmon ground! The network of Systems Science & Systems Design evolves! We are looking forward to renowned guests and experts of the main fields

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Don’t miss the Date!! 19th February 2016!

Systems Science meets philosophy, science, engineering, economy, design, and art! Join the interplay and attend emcsr avantgarde 2016, the 1st pop up conference in the field of Systems Science and Systems Design in Vienna, from March 30th to April 1st,

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