
emcsr avantgarde 2016

FutureVision?! Which life do we want?
Vienna, 30 March – 1 April, 2016

Sigmund Freud
Private University Vienna
Campus Prater
Freudplatz 1
1020 Wien

Room 2002 (2nd floor, 100 people)  Keynotes, Round Tables, Workshops

Room 6012  (6th floor, 20 people)  Workshops


Download your emcsr 2016 programme here!
emcsr avantgarde meetings 2016 PROGRAMME


Ludwig von Bertalanffy Young Scientist Award! How do we play the game?
Find the emcsr 2016 rules here:  emcsr avantgarde meetings 2016 COMPETITION RULES


30 March

9 – 10 am  Registration & Welcome


10 am  Welcoming Speech by Univ.-­Prof. Giselher Guttmann, former Chairman of the Senate, Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna ‚Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s Systems Theory and the ‚Reality’ of psychological concepts’

11 am  Opening speech by Robert Trappl, Professor and Head of the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI) of the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies (OSGK), Vienna ‚Cybernetics and Systems Research: A tour d’horizon, exemplified by their biennial European Meetings
from 1972 to 2010’

12 am Opening speech by Stefan Blachfellner, Managing Director of the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science (BCSSS) ‚The present future of a Systems Science generation: emcsr avantgarde’

1 – 2 pm Lunch Break


Day 1                                                                                                                                                    LEADERSHIP, GOVERNANCE & SOCIETY


2 – 7 pm, room 2002

Keynote, Round Table & Project presentations for the Contest, Workshop

Redesigning Public Governance

From Organizational to Personal Leadership

Organizations in the Future      


2 – 7 pm, room 6012



31 March

Day 2                                                                                                                                                   TRANSFORMATION & SYSTEMS DESIGN


10 am – 1 pm, room 2002

Keynote, Round Table & Project presentations for the Contest, Workshop

Rural and Urban Systems Research

Transforming Architecture and Living Environments

Systemic Design


11 am – 1 pm, room 6012



1 – 2 pm Lunch Break


2 – 7 pm, room 2002

Online Live Keynote, Round Table & Project presentations for the Contest, Workshop


Science and Design Enabling Transformation

Technologies Enabling Transformation

Arts Enabling Transformation


2 – 7 pm, room 6012



1 April

Day 3                                                                                                                                                   INFORMATION, TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION & SOCIETY


10 am – 1 pm, room 2002

Keynote, Round Table & Project presentations for the Contest, Workshop

Information Science

Technology & Society


10 am – 1 pm, room 6012



1 – 2 pm Lunch Break


2 – 7 pm, room 2002

Keynote, Round Table & Project presentations for the Contest, Workshop, Ludwig von Bertalanffy in Complexity Thinking Award Ceremony

ARISE – Arts, Research, Innovation, Society and Education for Growth

Future Perspectives for Science, Research, Innovation and Society


2 – 6 pm, room 6012



7 pm

End of the conference


8.30 pm

Ludwig von Bertalanffy Young Scientist Award Ceremony & Dinner & Final Party @ Die Liebe