Contributions to the meeting may assume two different forms:
- either they are selected by the symposium chairs on the basis of a call for papers
- or they are invited by symposium chairs.
All contributions will be accessible online to every participant well before the meeting in order to allow for minimising the presentation time and maximising the discussion time. For that reason all contributors are expected to write, in a first step, extended abstracts that must be submitted via our Open Conference System.
Since the meeting is an attempt to discuss transversal issues, authors and speakers are kindly asked to prepare their presentations in a way that facilitates reciprocal understanding across different disciplinary domains as well as different schools of systemic thinking. Extended abstracts shall take that into account.
In order to make the extended abstracts an easy read for the participants, the minimum length of the text body of a submission is 1 page, the maximum length 3 pages (unless otherwise requested by the call in question). Authors of the extended abstracts are expected to add a cv. The cv of one author shall take up a quarter of a page. These indications of size refer to the template provided.
Submissions have to be made indicating the symposium they are addressed to. The deadline for extended abstracts is 14 January 2012 20 January 2012! The notification of (non)acceptance by the session chair(s) in question is no later than 27 January 2012.
To submit follow the link to the Open Conference System.
Accepted submissions are published in a book of abstracts.
To read the abstracts follow the link to the Book of Abstracts.
Proceedings are published after the meeting. The papers included may come in two varieties:
- either they are contributions based upon accepted abstracts that are, as a second step, extended to full paper length in the light of the discussion at the meeting
- or they are submitted after the meeting as a result of the discussion at the meeting
and pass a peer-review process by renown experts. The proceedings are published online in our Open Journal System. An ISSN number is provided. The proceedings assure open access. No author fees are to be paid. Each author retains his or her copyright under a Creative Commons license. Each author is allowed to offer the paper to publishers elsewhere after the paper has been published in the proceedings.
To see more details follow the link to the Call for Proceedings.
To submit follow the link to the Open Journal System.