Tag: systemic contributions

emcsr 2016 avantgarde meetings! It was a pleasure!

1st edition of the new emcsr is over! We are glad and grateful! Thanks to the enthusiasm of all participants, of the audience, the young researchers and the established ones the emcsr avantgarde meetings 2016 were successful! There were three

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Only 2 days left!

Only 2 days left and the emcsr 2016‬ avantgarde meetings begin. We can hardly wait to welcome you! Look forward to a varied & comprehensive PROGRAMME! Thanks to the engaged emcsr 2016 selection committee a promising group of young researchers

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Download your emcsr avantgarde programme 2016!

Have a look!   emcsr 2016 programme is online!

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Ready to ride? emcsr 2016 programme is completed! Prepare your visit in Vienna!

emcsr 2016‬ programme is done & a fancy accommodation is waiting for you! Awaiting inspiring panels and workshops, we intrigue you now! Here are some PROGRAMME appetizers for you! March 30 A promising CONFERENCE OPENING with wonderful speeches, followed by

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Ready to start! emcsr avantgarde 2016 venue is confirmed!

Avantgarde‬ amidst ‪History‬! ‪                                                                                       emcsr 2016‬ venue is confirmed! Thanks to Sigmund Freud University Vienna for its great hospitality! We are looking forward to inspiring meetings in an inspiring setting! Ready to start! Peer review is in full swing! Thanks

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Silvia Zweifel

Silvia Zweifel is a vocational author with a strong interest in individual-collective learning. She dedicates her time and efforts to a particular form of research-action to foster a multidimensional “Economía Amable” www.silviazweifel.com.ar and essays written in a less than common

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Behind the Scenes III: Getting to Know the Themes and Speakers 2014

EMCSR is going to start in just a few days, on the way towards the meetings we would like to introduce to you the people who are making this event a truly interesting and unique one. As you know, three

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Systems Disciplines on the Test Bed: Call for Symposia 2014 out now!

The next EMCSR is scheduled for 22-25 April 2014. As always, it will take place in Vienna hosted by the University of Vienna. As in 2012, the USP of the meeting is the self-reflection of the field, that is, the provision of

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Ervin Laszlo

Ervin László, Chancellor of the Giordano Bruno GlobalShift University, is a Hungarian philosopher of science, systems theorist, integral theorist, originally a classical pianist. He has published about 75 books and over 400 articles were published in newspapers and magazines worldwide, including the

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