Tag: transdisciplinary field

Søren Brier

Dr. Phil. Søren Brier (born 1951) is Professor in the Semiotics of Information, Cognition and Communication Sciences at the Centre for International Business Communication Studies at Copenhagen Business School, where he has been teaching philosophy of science as well as

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Behind the Scenes V: Getting to know the Themes and Speakers 2014

Welcome everyone to the fifth post in our behind the scenes series with a preview of the fabulous EMCSR 2014 themes.  On this occasion we would like to present some of the participants in the Complexity and Strategy theme, including

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Silvia Zweifel

Silvia Zweifel is a vocational author with a strong interest in individual-collective learning. She dedicates her time and efforts to a particular form of research-action to foster a multidimensional “Economía Amable” www.silviazweifel.com.ar and essays written in a less than common

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Andree Piecq

Andrée Piecq graduated from the Free University of Brussels in the faculty of psychology. During 20 years, she  led a parallel career as  a therapist, teacher, trainer and speaker in systems analysis. In 1975 she co-founded a center for marital

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