Getting to Know…EMCSR Speakers Part II

This is part two of our “Getting to know…” series, in which we invite you to learn more about our speakers and participants. You can find part one presenting some of our keynote speakers here.

The speaker profiles include interesting background information, as well as answers to questions we asked them about their fields of research. They is a great opportunity for everyone attending EMCSR 2012 to learn more about our speakers and the topics of our meetings, cybernetics and systems research, from individual standpoints. At best, we’d like you to get excited about meeting them in person in a couple of weeks in Vienna!

We hope you enjoy the blogpost series and welcome any feedback you might have!

Here are out first four (in no particular order):

Ranulph Glanville

British freelance researcher and theoretician in both architecture and cybernetics.

“Most of all, I would like cybernetics to be valued for its beauty, not for its utility. It is time we stopped admiring utility: it leads to the material culture we live in.”

Symposium E Chair

Symposium E Topic:
An Online Conversational Learning Environment Based on Quasi Entailment Mesh (with Burak Pak)



Carlos Gershenson

Mexican researcher with a wide variety of academic interests, including self-organizing systems, complexity, artificial life, evolution, cognition, artificial societies, robotics, and philosophy.

“I am inspired by people who dare to think different and manage to get it right.”

Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas y en Sistemas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico

Symposium L &M Chair

Symposium M Topic:
Living in Living Cities


Zdenka Zenko

Slovenian researcher specialized in innovation management, system theory, methods for creative thinking and decision making, research in entrepreneurship.

“Systemic thinking makes my life more manageable.”

University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia

Symposium N Topics:
– ISO 26000 on social responsibility supports solving the global socio-economic crisis (with Matjaz Mulej, Vojko Potocan & Anita Hrast)
– Complexity and management of inventions to innovations (with Matjaž Mulej)


Andree Piecq

Therapist, teacher, trainer and speaker in systems analysis from Belgium. Also, the General Secretary of The European Union for Systemic.

“I would like to see the systemic approach to go out of the expert cenacle without loosing its characteristics, and without become an empty theory.”

The European Union for Systemic

Symposium Q Topic:
Systemic theoretical knowledge applied to practical action: Strategies to manage human organization in a crisis context




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