The EMCSR 2014 programme is finalised

marked swarm xxThe EMCSR programme is finalised and we are happy to welcome over 200 registered participants in a few days in Vienna.

Please download the overall programme schedule at The Book of Abstracts as well as the detailed programme folder are currently produced and will be avaliable soon.

For all of us the EMCSR is a special opportunity.

EMCSR is the acronym for the European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research. Robert Trappl organised the international renown biennial conferences 20 times since 1972. After the 20th conference, he handed over the chair to Wolfgang Hofkirchner who stepped in on behalf of the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science (BCSSS).

The difference between EMCSR and other conferences on systems lies in its participative design. It is not a conference based on one topic or one organisation, but it is a meeting where researcher and organisations meet each other from all schools of systems research and pratice.

As a participatory event in 2012, the BCSSS asked the whole system community which topic would it like to see represented at the next meeting.  Based on the feedback received, an overall vision was presented: Civilisation at the Crossroads – Response and Responsibility of the Systems Sciences”.  This provided the basis upon which we launched the Call for symposia for the EMCSR 2014.  The community proposed a total of 39 symposia, which comprise different meetings within the overall EMCSR.  Out of the proposed symposia three themes emerged and took shape:

  • Sustainability and Development
  • Emergence and Design
  • Complexity and Strategy

With these over-arching themes in place, it was time to send out a strong call for participation; the Call for Papers. In 2014 the EMCSR processed over 200 contributions, and though not all could be included in the program, almost 170 will be presented. The now finalized programme design emerged from the individual contributions received in response to the Call, thereby reinforcing the participatory design approach of the EMCSR. At this level 57 symposia chairs and an additional group of reviewers corresponded with over 200 authors to decide upon the acceptance of submissions. The entire process was curated by the dedicated team of the BCSSS. In this way, it can be said that the EMCSR truly seeks to walk its core value of “unity through diversity”.

We want to thank all co-organizers, symposia chairs and contributors today for their constant support and enthusiasm. You are creating this vibrant international community meeting in the heart of Europe.

If you have not registered yet, registration for attendees without presentation is still avaliable as well as day tickets, if you want to join us for a special day and topic only. We are looking forward to welcome you in Vienna!

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