Pierre Bricage
Now retired, He is Vice-President of the French Association for Systemics and Cybernetics AFSCET (http://www.afscet.asso.fr), Deputy Secretary General of the European Union for Systemics UES-EUS (http://ues-eus.eu), Member of the Directorate of the World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics WOSC (http://www.wosc.co) and Secretary General of the International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences IASCYS (http://www.iascys.org).
During 40 years, as academic full-time researcher in biochemistry, enzymology, genetics, microbiology, animal physiology, plant physiology and systems analysis, Pierre taught Systems Theories & Micro-Informatics applied to Chemistry, Quality Control, Health and Social Sciences (Societal Engineering and Man’s Societal Environmental Responsibility). He edited or published more than 250 pedagogic or scientific works in more than 20 countries (http://web.univ-pau.fr/~bricage/). Since 2000, He is pointing back to Fundamentals in Biology & Systemics (http://www.armsada.eu) with predictive applications in curative vaccines technology (cancer, AIDS).
What fascinates you about your field of research?
As a chronobiologist I am curious to know how much we are influenced by cycles of higher systems in which we are, by cycles of lower systems which are in us, and how much influence we have -as individuals or groups- on the processes of emergence of complex systems. Life has much more imagination, knowledge and abilities than we have. We have a lot to learn from Life’s resiliency history.
Where do you see or would like to see the field heading?
Wise is the one who knows his limits.
Our biosphere is limited so we need a global governance for Man’s Societal and Environmental Responsibility.
Is there an author / thinker, whose work inspires you in your own work?
I learned a lot from the precursor works from the biochemist Louis Pasteur (“La chance ne sourit qu’aux esprits bien préparés.“) and the geneticist Gregor Mendel (“The value and utility of any experiment are determined by the fitness of the material to the purpose for which it is used.“). I was impressed by the biologists Barbara McClintock (“Always drew your conclusion from your observations even if your results are received in silence, with derision and disbelief.“) and Lynn Margulis (“Science progresses mainly through experimentation, but to become useful, experimental results have to be scrutinized, interpreted, and placed on a proper intellectual scaffold. I am Not Controversial, I am Right. It’s the neo-Darwinists, population geneticists, AIDS researchers, and English-speaking biologists as a whole who have it all wrong.“) but also by chemists and physicists like Dmitri Mendeleiev (“No law of nature, however general, has been established all at once; its recognition has always been preceded by many presentiments.“), Albert Einstein (“Die Vorstellung ist wichtiger als die Kenntnis.“) and Johannes Kepler (“Nature uses as little as possible of anything“).
What fascinates you about “Associations for the Reciprocal and Mutual Sharing of Advantages and DisAdvantages (ARMSADA)”? In your own words: Why should people go there?
For living systems to survive the only way to escape for a moment from the struggle for life is to enter into an Association for the Reciprocal and Mutual Sharing of Advantages and DisAdvantages (ARMSADA http://armsada.eu). Man is not an exception! An ARMSADA emerges when the partners simultaneously lose the capacity to kill the other ones: each partner can survive only if the other ones survive first and all that is an advantage for a partner is a disadvantage for the other ones. As “parceners“ they are linked together “for the best and the worst”. Cancer is a breaking of the cell’s ARMSADA. Based on that paradigm, AIDS and cancer curative vaccines are coming in practice.
Ecosystems management must take into account that paradigm before any change. Economic and social managements should too…