This is Part 2 of our “Behind the Scenes Series” on Emergence and Design. We invite you again to learn more about the speakers and participants you will encounter at the EMCSR 2014 in this area. You can find the…
This is Part 2 of our “Behind the Scenes Series” on Emergence and Design. We invite you again to learn more about the speakers and participants you will encounter at the EMCSR 2014 in this area. You can find the…
Markus F. Peschl is professor for Cognitive Science and Philosophy of Science at the Dept. of Philosophy [Research Group Philosophy of Science: Cultures and Technologies of Knowledge], University of Vienna, Austria. He spent several years at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and at…
Pierre Bricage Now retired, He is Vice-President of the French Association for Systemics and Cybernetics AFSCET (, Deputy Secretary General of the European Union for Systemics UES-EUS (, Member of the Directorate of the World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics…
Ernst Gebetsroither-Geringer has been working as a Scientist at the Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (AIT), Energy Department, since 1999. He studied music research and history of art (1990-1991), ecology (biology) (1991-1997) and mathematics and physics (1998-1999), all at the…
David Rousseau is the Director of the Centre for Systems Philosophy, Editor-in-Chief of the peer-reviewed open-access journal “Systema: connecting Matter, Life, Culture and Technology”, a Visiting Fellow at Centre for Systems Studies and a member of the Centre for Spirituality…
John Collier Is a philosopher interested in reconciling the foundations of various different fields. He has worked with people in evolutionary and developmental biology and systematics, ecology, economics, philosophy of language, cognitive science, physics and planetary science, among others. He…
Fares Kayali is a game designer and researcher living and working in Vienna, Austria. He holds a PhD in computer science. Fares has headed the design of several digital games, which were finalists at IndieCade and the Independent Games…
Poe Yu-ze Wan He is an Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan. His current research interests include social theory (especially the Marxian tradition and the relationship between evolutionary theory and social theorizing), philosophy of…
Andrea Rossi He is an architectural researcher based in Vienna, where he is developing research on robotic fabrication at Coop Himmelb(l)au. He is founder of Temporary Autonomous Architecture, a research and design practice involved in the exploration of the potential…
Welcome everyone to the fourth post in our 2014 behind the scenes series. We are excited to announce that the detailed programme of the overall 2014 meetings went online. And with this opportunity we want to present to you selected…