Merrelyn Emery

Dr. Emery has worked on many aspects of human behaviour as a systemic or ecological phenomenon. These include education and continuing education, the uses and effects of media, the development of organizations and communities and human futures. Since 1970, she

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Ervin Laszlo

Ervin László, Chancellor of the Giordano Bruno GlobalShift University, is a Hungarian philosopher of science, systems theorist, integral theorist, originally a classical pianist. He has published about 75 books and over 400 articles were published in newspapers and magazines worldwide, including the

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Peter Erdi

Péter Érdi is a Hungarian and now also Hungarian-American researcher and teacher. His ambition has been to work in the spirit of cybernetics and systems theory. He serves as the Henry Luce Professor of Complex Systems Studies at Kalamazoo College,

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Peter Csermely

Peter Csermely is a Hungarian biochemist, and professor at Semmelweis University (Budapest, Hungary). His major fields of study are molecular chaperones and networks. In 1995, Csermely launched a highly successful initiative, which provided research opportunities for more than 10,000 gifted

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Looking Back in History: The Macy Conferences

It is said that the Macy Conferences were the most important meetings of minds for the purpose of understanding control of human behavior. They are also considered as the breeding ground for Cybernetics and breakthroughs in Systems Theory. In essence,

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Behind the Scenes II: Existence through Cooperation – Introducing ISSS & IFSR

This is part two of our ‘Behind the Scenes’ series. You can find Part I here. Today we would like to present two of our biggest supporter organisations, the International Society for Systems Sciences (ISSS) and the International Federation for

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Behind the Scenes: Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science

We would like to introduce you to our partner and main organizer of the 2012 meetings and provide you with some background information: Realising the global challenges of today and the resulting need for systems theory in 2004, the BCSSS

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Welcome to the EMCSR Blog!

This is the official place for updates on the conference, background stories about our partners, supporters and speakers, news in the field of cybernetics and systems research as well as lots of other interesting content with regard to the EMCSR

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