Mechthild Adameit

Mechthild AdameitMechthild (Matilde) Heidemarie Adameit

is affiliated with GESI (Grupo de Estudio de Sistemas Integrados). Civil Society Organization, Buenos Aires – Argentina.

She is a curious, water-loving and compassionate person that works as a coach, consultant and intercultural trainer in different areas with both children and adults. Apart with her engagement with Fundación de los Amigos de las Lagunas Costeras de Rocha (FALCR – Foundation of the Friends of the Costal Lagoons of Rocha).

Mechthild is actively engaged in the discussion on Ecological Economics and other environmental topics. In the context of system sciences she is developing a multidimensional “Economía Amable” together with Silvia Zweifel.

Her area of interest within system sciences:

  • Cultural influence on communication styles
  • “Dancing the path” (Sustainability as journey not as destination)
  • Environmental influence on communication

She likes gardening and horseback riding, looking after their newly planted olive trees, and long walks by the sea with Mitra, the family dog. Her love of and life close to nature are equally important to Mechthild as her professional activities.

What fascinates you about your field of research?

Traditionally, Economics and Environmental Protection often are seen as a contradiction to each other. The systemic view offers a different perspective to overcome this assumed contradiction. Economy is part of everybody’s life. System Sciences helps to broaden your perception and with creativity to challenge one’s own fears and false understandings.

Where do you see or would like to see the field heading?

I would like to see more openness towards so called “non-scientific” approaches; I wish for more research-action. The practice needs to be developed in new collaborative ways; really collaborative, inclusive ways. Often prejudices and preconceptions on both sides prevent cross pollination. This richness in possibilities still needs to be explored and lived by all of us, the “practitioners” and the “thinkers”.

Is there an author / thinker, whose work inspires you in your own work?

I love to read, and both, novels and nonfiction, nurture my way of thinking and living. Another very inspiring medium are films.  I cherish early 20th century (silent) film productions from Asia. Among my favorite directors definitively I have to mention Akira Kurosawa. A work that fascinates me is “Fahrenheit 451” by Francois Truffaut. In general, I value and enjoy most works on mind and mentality. Currently, I am reading ‘” The Shaking Woman or A History of My Nerves” by Siri Hustvedt. Usually I am intrigued by works that narrate from several contradictory perspectives, present radical challenge to conventional narrative, and in the case of film often complemented by beautiful, stylized photography.

What fascinates you about “Economic system change”? In your own words: Why should people go there?

Economy is often seen as part of a discipline, in the sense, “there are (e.g. in the governments or in the banks or other important gremia) people that study and define how economy works.” This view is very common. But economy is in everybody’s life – “economy” if you refer to the roots of the Greek word is the “norm of the house”, the way how to guide a household – and that is not exclusively in an economic, hence monetary sense. This includes many aspects of life.

Economic system change recognizes this multidimensionality and especially emphasizes on the importance to CO- create desirable futures. We are eager to listen to other voices. We like to share our visions and INVITE YOU to join us.

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