Behind the Scenes II: Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science (BCSSS)

We would also like to introduce you to our partner and main organizer of the 2014 meetings and provide you with some background information on the

Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science LogoBertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science

Realising the global challenges of today and the resulting need for systems theory and application in 2004, the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science (BCSSS) was founded with the aim to inspire the development of systems science and support systems thinking. The Independent research institute (accredited by the European Union, member of the International Federation for Systems Research) reestablished itself in 2013 with a new office and team in Vienna. The Center works to advance scientific research in the field of systems thinking and by doing so, revisits General System Theory (GST) as founded by Ludwig von Bertalanffy and others. The focus is the reassessment of the theory in the light of today’s global challenges and to illuminate the course of development systems science has taken since. It owns the Ludwig von Bertalanffy archive and futhermore a collection of publications of the systems movement.

Today the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science is an international acknowledged ambassador for the systems science heritage and present state of the art applied systems research focusing on the advancement of Systems Science and Systems Design, to understand and deploy change in this world.

The Research Center cooperates with every person or organisation supporting the same aim and is enthusiastic to welcome new researchers and practitioners as well as organisations to foster its members network, which already comprises 40 international experts in the field.

It carries out its mission with:

Research activities

Network activities

Dissemination activities


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