We are excited that after a time of hard work our small but dedicated team can announce the official publishing of the EMCSR 2014 Book of Abstracts. And with this good news we invite you to part 2 of our…
We are excited that after a time of hard work our small but dedicated team can announce the official publishing of the EMCSR 2014 Book of Abstracts. And with this good news we invite you to part 2 of our…
André Martinuzzi is head of the Institute for Managing Sustainability and associate professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (www.wu.ac.at/sustainability). He has a doctoral degree in general management and a postdoctoral lecture qualification (venia docendi) in Environmental Management…
Dino Karabeg He began his career as a researcher in environmental system modeling at the Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb. Following a doctorate in algorithm theory at the University of California at San Diego, and several university appointments in USA and…
Marianne Penker is deputy head of the Doctoral School Sustainable Development and the Institute for Sustainable Economic Development, where she heads the Working Group Regional Development. Additional Marianne is also a board member of the Bertalanffy Center for the Study…
Georg Aumayr studied Communication at the University of Vienna. He wrote his master thesis from a perspective of social systems. He is working at the Johanniter as Head of Research and Innovation. He is member in several task groups for…
Antonio Saggio Antonino Saggio is an architect, scholar and professor and holds the Architecture and Informaton Technology Chair at the School of Architecture at Sapienza, University of Rome. He is the coordinator of the PhD program in Architecture Theory and…
Iryna Dobronravova is the Chair of the Philosophy and Methodology of Science division at Kyiv Shevchenko University http://www.philsci.univ.kiev.ua She works in the field of the philosophy of science, and in particular in the area of the philosophical foundations of synergetics. Over…
Stuart Umpleby is a professor in the Department of Management and Director of the Research Program in Social and Organizational Learning in the School of Business at The George Washington University. He received degrees in engineering, political science, and communications from the University of Illinois in…
Dr. Phil. Søren Brier (born 1951) is Professor in the Semiotics of Information, Cognition and Communication Sciences at the Centre for International Business Communication Studies at Copenhagen Business School, where he has been teaching philosophy of science as well as…