Gandolfo Dominici

Gandolfo Dominici.Gandolfo Dominici

Italian academic and consultant, co-founder and scientific director of the Business Systems Laboratory, board member of the World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics and of the Italian Universities Consortium for Industrial and Managerial Economics (CUEIM).

I am fascinated by how cybernetics and systems  theory can help in all the field of business management and be an astonishing entrepreneurial tool that may help towards sustainable growth also in these times of crisis.

What fascinates you about cybernetics/systems research/system theory?

Cybernetics is pivotal for all the fields of business research and practice. We need new models and new mind schemes to foster the necessary changes to get out from the actual crisis. I think that cybernetics is an incredibly effective way to achieve this goal. In my research I apply the principles of cybernetics and systems science to all the fields of business management to find new ways to be entrepreneurs without destroying the world we live in and trying to make it a better place for everybody.

What’s a scholar/writer, whose work inspires you in your own work?

Several scholars/writers inspire me. Among the many I would definitely mention that Stafford Beer with his Viable System Model and James Grier Miller’s Living Systems Theory are those who mostly inspire my work and research.

What fascinates you about “Corporate social responsibility: multilevel foundations towards a new holistic framework of CSR and a new concept of economic value”? In your own words: Why should people go there?

There is a widespread need of change, that means to take advantage of the actual period of crisis to overcome its causes and improve. Corporate social responsibility can be an incredibly effective tool, which may bring to a new and wider concept of value creation overcoming the limits of the classical economic theory based on financial capital and profit that are at the basis of the actual economic and social world crisis. The track “Corporate social responsibility: multilevel foundations towards a new holistic framework of CSR and a new concept of economic value” aims to gather the cutting edge of scholar research and good practice towards this goal.

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