Last minute news 2014 programme

Welcome! EMCSR is already going on and we are honored by the presence of all participants who are turning this into an unique event. Thank you all!

This time we need to reach out to you to disseminate the latest news:

The programme has changed. Our Keynote speech on the last day, Friday needed to be canceled, so tomorrow the symposia will be starting earlier at 9 am.
Also the Wrap-up times for each of the topics is updated, starting tomorrow at 2 pm. We want to ask all the symposium chairs to attend the wrap-up session in their themes.
The new time for the final reports and the closing with the group photo is going to be at 14:45. We hope all participants can join us for the final curtain.
The new version of the detailed programme is available here.

The submission of additional presentation materials is going to be open from now until June, 30, 2014 at If you are an already registered author/presenter, you are able to upload and share your slides with your account. Choose your active submission and upload a supplementary file. The slides as well as your extended abstracts will be open for everyone.

We hope you are enjoying the EMCSR 2014 as much as we are!

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