Chairs: Stefan Blachfellner, B original, Business and Communication Design, Salzburg, Austria, Violeta Bulc, Vibacom House of Business Solutions, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Thomas Fundneider, tf consulting, Vienna, Austria, Alexander László, Syntony Quest, Sebastopol, CA, USA
One day facilitated workshop, dialogue, conversation, sharing, co-inspiration, and co-creation
This symposium invites the participation of creative transdisciplinary thinkers and practitioners from all fields of inquiry and practice. Thinkers, designers, practitioners and researchers with experience in the sciences of life, energy, matter, cognition, cosmology as well as the social sciences and the humanities are welcome.
The reunion offers a unique opportunity to come together and share a variety of viewpoints on a broad range of issues relating to emergent patterns, processes and relationships of life and living systems. Our wish is to provide a playspace where we can jointly curate the emergence of more sustainable and even thrivable systems.
By exploring cutting edge inquiry across a variety of types of non-linear complex adaptive systems, we hope to gain insight into processes of self-organization and emergence that relate to life and experience. By exploring learning in the areas of living systems, natural systems, social systems and technological systems, we hope to emerge patterns of organization that may contribute to new ways of being and doing in the context of an evolving eco-civilization.
The objective of this symposium is to contribute to an evolutionary narrative of the next phase of human civlization in a time of global personal awakening. The intention is to cultivate this narrative through the association of the creative efforts of those participating in the symposium as well as with those engaged in similar efforts in other venues.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
- Leadership
- Networks, Institutions & Hierarchies
- Resilience
- Innovation capabilities
- Conscious innovation = innovation & ethics
- Business design / business architecture
- Education
- Emergence and Transcendence
- Holism, Systems thinking and Systems sensing
- Management, facilitation, catalyzation, stewardship, shepherding, curating processes
This symposium is intended to function as a window from the inside-out of the systems sciences. Participants
- will be invited from the academic areas of natural, biological, social, and technological systems to enrich these knowledge realms.
- will be invited from the practical areas of design, creative industries, integral development, management, experiential psycho-therapy, and applied social anthropology to inform and be-informed by each other’s perspectives.
Supporting organizations (in alphabetical order) are:
Session 1: short 7 min presentations of ideas + posters
Sessions 2 and 3: group work:
VISIONARY (future systems, structures)
MEZZO level (models, advanced system approach)
MICRO level (tools, practical case work)