Symposium A. Physical and Metaphysical Aspects of Systems after Morin

Chairs: Iryna Dobronravova, Kiev National Shevchenko University, Kiev, Ukraine, and Rainer E. Zimmermann, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich, Germany, and Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, UK

Invited papers

In a fashion of a strictly cross-disciplinary composition, the symposium shall provide and discuss insight into the state of the theory of evolutionary systems reflecting the consequences of Morin’s all-encompassing approach with a view to various other fields of development in the philosophy, sciences and arts. Primarily, it shall be demonstrated that a large amount of research activities in these fields tend to converge to a common viewpoint under the perspective of a universal concept of system which is intrinsic to conceptualizations starting with the pre-Socratic philosophers and ending in our days with modern approaches to emergent complex systems. On the one hand, the meditative triad of cognition, communication, and co-operation is being stressed, on the other hand, the epistemic triad of space, network, and system turns out to be relevant. It will be shown that it is in particular the conceptual parallelism between energy-matter and information-structure which serves as adequate metaphysical basis underlying the discussion of physical aspects of the observable worldly.


Session 1 (chair R.E.Z.)

  • Inga R. Gammel, Aarhus: Empedokles – Ancient Systems
  • Iryna Dobronravova, Kiev: Complexity as a Process
  • Cecile Malaspina, London: Complexity and Epistemological Noise

Session 2 (chair R.E.Z.)

  • Vijak Haddadi, Paris: Is a Metaphysics of the System Possible Again Today?
  • Laszlo Ropolyi, Budapest: Systems vs. networks – A philosophical reconsideration
  • Iurii Mielkov, Kiev: Human-commensurable Systems – from Complexity to Harmony

Session 3 (chair I.D.)

  • Elodie Vieille Blanchard, Paris: The global System in Jeopardy of Collapse: the Club of Rome, Systems Sciences and the Limits to Growth Report
  • Natalia Kochubey, Kiev: Childhood as a Complex Phenomenon
  • Iryna Predborska, Kiev: Paradigm of Homo Complexus as a Challenge to the Contemporary Education
  • Lyudmila Gorbunova, Kiev: Transversality of Complex Thinking as a Problem of Quality in Education

Session 4 (chair I.D.)

  • Helena Knyazeva, Moscow: Complex Thinking: Methodological, Managerial and Ethical Aspects
  • Rainer E. Zimmermann, Munich/Cambridge: Energy and Information in Systems
  • Olga Astafyeva, Moscow: Scientific communication in the context of cultural changes –gender aspect