Every participant in the EMCSR 2012 is invited to submit a full paper at no cost.
These papers may come in two varieties:
- either they are contributions based upon accepted abstracts that are, as a second step, extended to full paper length in the light of the discussion at the meeting
- or they are submitted after the meeting as a result of the discussion at the meeting.
In any case, every participant is called upon to revise their presentations or to draft new papers in the context of the parallel as well as plenary meetings. The leitmotif of the conference was to enhance the self-reflection of the field to provide science with methods, findings and ends to help alleviate the global challenges. Thus each full paper is expected to provide an attempt to respond to the following question:
- how can the foundations of systems sciences and related approaches be elaborated such that the impact on society can be improved?
The peer review process will evaluate accordingly.
Accepted papers will be published in the newly established Open Access Journal “systems. connecting matter, life, culture and technology”.
To learn more about technical details of the submission see the first Call for Papers. Two more will follow for the second and third issues of the journal.
To submit follow the link to the Open Journal System.