
emcsr avantgarde 2016

FutureVision?! Which life do we want?
Vienna, 30 March – 1 April, 2016


Call for Submission

Calls for extended abstracts are open until 19 February, 2016! The closing date cannot be extended.

You need to submit an extended abstract in PDF format. The minimum length of the text body of a submission is 1 page, the maximum length 3 pages (that is, between 750 and 2000 words). 1 to 3 pictures may be added for illustration (not larger than 3 MB in total). Please do not forget to mention your contact data and affiliation. Authors of the extended abstracts are expected to add their bio narrative (a quarter of a page). All extended abstracts have to be submitted via

In case you are working in the fields of art, design or game design you need to submit an extended abstract (description and concept of your (art)work or game) in PDF format (guideline see above). Additionally please submit an image or a video documentation of your (art)work or game respectively a trailer or a link to a trailer that gives an overview of the work (2 minutes long maximum).

Submitters will be notified of acceptance or rejection until 4 March, 2016.


The selection process:

All submissions will pass a peer-review process by international renowned field- specific experts, the emcsr selection committee. The emcsr selection commitee recommends the chosen abstracts to the emcsr programme committee. The emcsr programme committee defines the final selection, notifies the submitters and invites them to registration and participation.

Additionally each member of the emcsr selection committee may choose a favourite researcher through a personal invitation to the emcsr avantgarde meetings, including the attendance fee and mentorship during the meetings.


Publication of the abstracts:

For publication process and production participants are expected to fill their abstracts in an emcsr template, we send after successful registration. The printed book will be available for sale at the conference meetings and printed on demand afterwards.


The Ludwig von Bertalanffy Young Scientist Award 

The Ludwig von Bertalanffy Young Scientist Award consists of a diploma and a monetary prize sponsored by the Ludwig von Bertalanffy Center of the Study of Systems Science (BCSSS). Every participant who received an invitation by the emcsr programme committee is a nominee. Everyone who participates at the emcsr avantgarde meetings is a referee. A defined catalogue of criteria will support the selection process.


Call for Satellite Workshops

Send us your workshop concept including your requested invited participants via until 19 February, 2016.

You will be notified of acceptance or rejection until 4 March, 2016.