PhD Colloquium & Award

The organizing committee of the EMCSR 2012 encourages scientists of pre doctorate and early post-doctorate stage to present and discuss interdisciplinary research papers within a special EMCSR 2012 PhD Colloquium & Award scheme. The EMCSR 2012 PhD Colloquium & Award (EMCSR PhD-Day) is designed to facilitate the distribution and discussion of interdisciplinary research work of pre-doctorate and early post-doctorate scientists in all fields within the scope of the EMCSR 2012. The maximum number of participants of the EMCSR 2012 PhD Colloquium & Award is six; each participant has to pass a thorough review about quality and the interdisciplinary relevance of the submitted paper.

1 What is the EMCSR 2012 PhD Colloquium & Award?

The EMCSR 2012 PhD Colloquium & Award is a special symposium of the EMCSR 2012 with paper presentations from scientists, who are in pre-doctorate or early post-doctorate phases. One of the highlights of the EMCSR PhD Colloquium & Award is the special “Ludwig von Bertalanffy-Young Scientist Award”, which is attributed to one the EMCSR PhD-Day contributions.

2 Who is eligible for the EMCSR-PhD-Day?

Invited are all researchers/scientists working in a pre-doctorate or early post-doctorate phase (max. 3 years after doctorate) in a scientific field that is covered by EMCSR 2012. Applicants have to be actively engaged in systems research and/or practice. Attendants should be willing to share and discuss their research work on an interdisciplinary level. EMCSR-PhD-Day is open for individuals or small groups of 2-3 closely collaborating “young” scientists submitting a joint paper.

3 What contributions are expected from EMCSR-PhD-Day applicants?

Applications to EMCSR-PhD Colloquium & Award should consist of an extended abstract of an  interdisciplinary oriented paper to be presented at EMCSR 2012 and a CV of the applicant. In the case of a small group of 2-3 collaborating applicants submitting a joint paper a CV for each applicant AND a short outline of the kind of collaboration are required (500-1000 words). The paper submitted to EMCSR-PhD Colloquium & Award has to be designed to promote inter- and transdisciplinary inter­connections between different fields of systems science. Applicants are encouraged to present their work in a way that might help to spread their ideas and concepts to other fields of systems and/or to support systems education initiatives.

Applicants are required to attend all sessions associated with the EMCSR PhD-Day. Moreover each applicant will be asked to act as a discussant to the contribution(s) of one or two other participants of the PhD-Colloquium & Award.

4 What criteria have papers submitted to EMCSR PhD-Day to fulfill?

Papers submitted to the EMCSR PhD-Day must contain recent, original and unpublished work of the applicant scientist (or the collaborating applicant group). The paper should be addressed to a broader community of scientists, presenting big ideas and main concepts of the own research in a way that is also understandable for interested but non-specialists of that field. The paper should offer opportunities for inter- and transdisciplinary exchange and help to foster the “Unity through Diversity” Bertalanffian principle. Submissions have to be written in English and must have an overall length (including title, abstract and bibliography) of 3000 – 5000 words.  

5 Benefits for EMCSR-PhD-Day participants

Participants of PhD-Day have the privilege to share their work in an interdisciplinary session, getting feedback from experienced senior scientists. Finally, the Ludwig von Bertalanffy-Award is elected among the participants of EMCSR 2012 PhD-Day. The reviewers of the EMCSR 2012 PhD-Day contributions are nominated by the International Academy for Systems and Cybernetics Studies (IASCYS).

6 The Ludwig von Bertalanffy Young Scientist Award

The Ludwig von Bertalanffy Young Scientist Award consists of a diploma and a money prize of € 1.000,-  sponsored by the Ludwig von Bertalanffy-Center for the Study of Systems Science (BCSSS). The winner of the Ludwig von Bertalanffy Young Scientist Award will be elected by a committee nominated by the International Academy for Systems and Cybernetics Sciences (IASCYS) (see below). The diploma is signed jointly by representatives of BCSSS and IASCYS. Chairs of the LvB Young Scientist Award committee are Günther Ossimitz (BCSSS) and Pierre Bricage (IASCYS).

7 Timeline for the EMCSR 2012 PhD Colloquium & Award
  • Application for EMCSR 2012 PhD Colloquium & Award will open 15 Dec 2011 and ends on 20 Jan, 2012 via The application must contain an extended abstract (500-1000 words) of the intended paper submission and a CV. Details on application will be given on the application page. For further details on the submission please follow the guidelines.
  • Pre-Review about acceptance of application (formal criteria of application) for PhD Colloquium & Award until 22 Jan, 2012. Accepted applications will be reviewed about acceptance for PhD Colloquium & Award.
  • Decision about acceptance for PhD Colloquium & Award until 6 Feb, 2012.
  • 10 April, 2012, afternoon, and 11 April, 2012, morning, PhD Colloquium sessions with presentations and discussion.
  • 11 April, 2012, evening: Decision about “Ludwig von Bertalanffy Young Scientist Award”
  • 13 April, 2012, morning plenum: Ludwig von Bertalanffy Young Scientist Award Ceremony
8 Further Information about EMCSR 2012 PhD Colloquium & Award

PhD Colloquium & Award Committee:

  • for the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science: Peter Fleissner, retired, Institute of Design and Assessment of Technology, Vienna University of Technology (he takes over the role of Günther Ossimitz, Department of Mathematics, University of Klagenfurt, Austria, who is ill)
  • for the International Academy of Systems and Cybernetic Sciences: Pierre Bricage
  • for the Giordano Bruno GlobalShift University: Alexander Laszlo

Contact: Peter Fleissner: fleissner at (pls, replace the character string “blank-a-t-blank” by the correct sign).

9 List of Reviewers


10 List of Jurors

Olga Nikolaevna ASTAFIEVA, Leonie SOLOMONS, Anne STEENHOUT, Jennifer WILBY and the members of the PhD Colloquium & Award Committee